Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Pyrl focused on purchase data, versus other forms of personal data?

We believe that how you spend your money is the most valuable data of all, and it is why companies are interested in capturing your data in the first place. Not only is this information extremely valuable to companies who want your business, it can also unlock valuable insights for you – about the things you buy, and how you and your household spend money.  

Yet today, consumers don’t have any way to see or use their own item-level purchase data – or to control its privacy.  

This is Pyrl’s focus.   [Read our Founder Story]

What happens after I register?

Once you register, Pyrl will act as your personal data privacy agent – We will direct that your chosen retailers don’t share, broker or sell your data to third parties, and we will request that your purchase data finally be accessible to you, securely through Pyrl. You’ll have access to your dashboard to review the progress of these requests.

Why should I trust Pyrl?

We are a privacy-first business. Exercising your data privacy rights and empowering you with access and control over your own data is our business. All data is encrypted and no one has access to your data except you. Learn more about our Security and Technology.

How much does Pyrl cost?

Free features –  We believe that obtaining the privacy of, and access to, your valuable purchase data held by the companies you buy from, are your consumer rights, and Pyrl does not charge a fee to provide that to you:

  • Retailer selection: Pyrl doesn’t charge a fee when you manually choose or update your retailer list, and we don’t charge a fee when you use your credit/debit card credentials during registration, to see and select the retailers where you’ve made purchases.  
  • Privacy Agent:  Pyrl doesn’t charge a fee to engage with your chosen retailers on your behalf, to obtain your data privacy, and to obtain your access to see and use your item-level purchase data.   (Note: It is up to each company to become a Trusted Retailer by complying with your privacy requests via Pyrl, and by complying with privacy laws.  Pyrl will always keep you updated on each retailer’s status, via your dashboard.)

Premium features [ Coming soon! ]: 

  • Continuous updates:  Users can choose to upgrade, for a small fee, to keep their credit/debit card(s) linked to Pyrl after registration ends.  This will keep your retailer list, and transaction spending, continually updated.  With this feature enabled, you can always see your most current retailer list and spending information on your dashboard.  As Pyrl works on your behalf to secure your privacy and your item-level purchase details, we can do so with your most current merchants.  
  • We’re also planning exciting premium features to help you get knowledge and value from your own data, and from privacy-complying retailers who you  decide to trust. 

How does Pyrl earn money?

Pyrl will earn revenue from modest subscription fees on premium features, like keeping your retailer privacy lists and transactions automatically updated every month. We’ll be introducing powerful tools to help you understand where your money goes and to help you make better buying decisions.

In addition, we’re also building technology that empowers consumers to reverse today’s surveillance economy.  Pyrl will earn fees from privacy-complying businesses who want to extend exclusive, tailored offerings and engage with Pyrl consumers who have granted relationships to companies they trust.   

And remember, only you can ever see your transaction data in Pyrl – Read more about our Security and Technology.

When will my privacy and item-level data access requests be honored by my retailers?

Pyrl is working to engage with retailers in the sequence that’s most important to our overall user community.  Our outreach to smaller or regional businesses may take longer. It is up to each individual business how quickly it honors your data and privacy requests.  Consumers in some states will also benefit from legislation (most notably California residents, where new privacy laws are in effect and will begin to be enforced in the near future).  Pyrl will always keep you updated on each retailer’s status and responses via your dashboard.

What’s the difference between item-level purchase data, and credit/debit card (transaction) data, and why should I care?

Transaction data: 

    • Transaction-level purchase data is what you see when you look at your debit/credit card statement (or payment app).  The information you can see is limited to the date, merchant name, and amount.  There’s generally no information about what items you bought.  

Item-level purchase data:

    • Item-level purchase data is what you see on a paper receipt or e-receipt.  It includes the specific items you purchased.  For that reason, this information is the highest value to you, your household, and to the companies who want to earn your business.  
    • Item-level data is only available directly from the merchant, retailer, or business that you bought from, and the sales systems they use. 

Pyrl enables you to link debit/credit cards during registration, so that you can use your transaction data to choose the retailers that you’d like us to engage with on your behalf.  We will then request that your chosen businesses honor both your data privacy directions, and your ability to access your item-level data.  

Continuous Updates: For a small fee, you may upgrade your account to keep your transaction spend data and retailer list current with Pyrl.


6700 Alexander Bell Drive
Suite 200
Columbia, MD 21046

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